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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Penfield, NY

location-map Penfield, NY | (585) 302 4198

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You are not alone as we partner together to explore, uncover and remove the obstacles that prevent you from becoming your best self and having the quality of life you long for. Using a psychodynamic framework to engage you, build hope, and establish a healing relationship, I specialize in dealing with the cumulative life stresses, traumas, griefs and losses that insidiously sabotage your best efforts, deplete your energy, tempt you into addictions to numb and avoid the pain life has brought you, or turn your long suffering into despair and depression. Individual/marital/family counseling and intensive outpatient treatment relating to addictions, eating disorders, Axis-II disorders, psychospiritual formation, attachment disorders, adolescent/adult depression, anger management, shame, trauma-related disorders/dissociation, conflict resolution, family violence, ACOAlcoholics, borderlines, narcissists, codependency, childhood disorders (e.g. oppositional defiant/self-mutilation/ADHD), and parenting issues. Our goals: To draw on your strengths and help you develop the skills needed to alleviate your distress; To support, encourage, and guide you through the healing process as you face co-dependency, addiction, abuse, neglect, trauma, or grief; To nurture an unshakable conviction of your own worth and lovability.