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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pomona, NY

location-map Pomona, NY | (845) 262 2123

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I am a psychologist who has provided psychotherapy and psychological testing services to children, adolescents, and adults for over 30 years. I have developed a particular interest in working with hypersensitive children and in the differential diagnosis of ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. Many of the pervasively hypersensitive children and adolescents with whom I work have come to me with a diagnosis of ADHD, but are then found, after a thorough evaluation, to have either an anxiety or mood disorder. As a therapist who works primarily with children and adolescents, I have found that when children feel understood and valued, they connect. I believe that connection with clients can only occur in an atmosphere of mutual trust, understanding, and respect. It is through such a connection, that we can inspire our clients to think differently and help them to develop greater depth of understanding, accuracy of perception, and clarity of vision. I believe that effective treatment can only be accomplished with a deep understanding of my clients and with accurate diagnosis. I also believe that the ultimate goal of treatment is not just symptom relief, but the development of a solid sense of self and a solid moral compass.