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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rhinebeck, NY

location-map Rhinebeck, NY | (646) 606 2891

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From 0 Reviews

How do you find the right therapist? Education and training is important, but at least as important is finding a therapist with whom you can truly be yourself. I've been told by my patients that the reasons they value therapy with me are that I'm easy to talk to, I really listen, and I'm interactive. They say I "get" them, which helps to develop trust and safety. It can be difficult to talk about your personal struggles with someone you don't know. My warm, calm and non-judgmental nature makes it a little bit easier. I have 30 years of experience, deep empathy and a sense of humor. Much of therapy involves relationship issues of one kind or another: single people wanting to be in relationships, individuals and couples (gay and straight) wanting better relationships, people struggling with and healing from difficult family relationships. I have studied attachment-based therapy for many years with nationwide experts. I've worked for many years with patients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other medical illnesses. I have worked extensively with trauma, grief/bereavement and also weight and body image issues. I enjoy helping people find different paths to health and wellness. I am a longtime student of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. I look forward to hearing from you.