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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sunnyside, NY

location-map Sunnyside, NY | (332) 239 1730

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Are you feeling lonely or isolated even though you're in a relationship? Do you yearn for the love, intimacy, and closeness that you used to have with your partner? Do you feel like the bond you shared has become more of a burden than a source of care? It's often said that "relationships take work," but you might be unsure of what that means, especially if nothing you've tried has seemed to help. Perhaps you're starting to think that it's too late to repair your relationship. As a marriage and family therapist, my focus is on helping you build a stronger relationship through recognizing negative communication patterns. Whether a difficult breakup, trouble trusting others, or trying to reignite the romance in your relationship, I can help. Using techniques that identify negative patterns that create friction and distance, I can help you identify and break free from negative beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck so as to develop new patterns of relating to others. Together, we will explore the blocks that leave you each feeling sad and alone. I will introduce you to new ways of communicating to increase empathy and compassion and decrease conflict to bring you closer together and find a renewed sense of connection. I strive to create a supportive, non-judgmental, and collaborative space for all parties to feel heard.