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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Williamsville, NY

location-map Williamsville, NY | (748) 727 6406

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From 0 Reviews

I help adults who are really struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship problems, grief, and difficult situations. I'll help you tap into your inner strength and personal power so you can make the changes needed to feel better and create a more fulfilling life. We'll work with your thoughts and behaviors, and use mindfulness skills for symptom management of your anxiety and/or depression. My areas of expertise include: trauma, PtSD and complex PtSD, chronic depression and/or anxiety, panic, and Borderline Personality Disorder. We'll work best together if you're really ready to manage anxiety and worry, improve your mood, address your pain, better your relationships, or get through difficult times. I'd be honored to work hard with you to help you achieve your goals and improve your life.

location-map Williamsville, NY | (716) 222 1950

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

My clients come to me for a number of reasons, but one common theme throughout is a need for self-care and self-love. My job is to facilitate self-care and coping in a way that brings a client contentment and joy. I want clients to look forward to their sessions with me as a time to attend to their own emotional needs, learn, grow, and develop. They want a safe space with unconditional support to work through and - importantly - find feasible solutions to their unique problems. I am known for my blend of personalized, positive/strengths-based, creative, and feasible cognitive behavior therapies. (Check out my photos!) View 10 Photos As noted above, my clients have commented on my blend of warmth and support along with behavioral strategies. I offer evidence-based cognitive behavioral strategies with a special focus on positive psychology and strengths-based health promotion. Finally, you will hear me say that this is a real relationship that should feel healing. Connection is important. I strive to provide the very best therapy and customer service to my clients. I want you to feel like my only client. I want you to feel comfortable and safe, and I will be present with you and use creative strategies- individualized to you - to meet your needs and help you feel better **the rest of the time, when you are not with me**. I want to empower.