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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Woodbury, NY

location-map Woodbury, NY | (516) 261 6263

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I am a warm and inviting therapist that has created a sacred space with your healing in mind. I offer my clients the elements that I find most valuable in any therapeutic relationship; support, encouragement, empathic listening, non-judgement, interaction, collaboration, and trust. With a varied toolbox and skill set that we can draw upon, I enjoy blending evidence based practices with more creative approaches when called for. Some clients are open to including mind/ body based practices in their work with me while others may pursue a more traditional route. Ultimately, we will work collaboratively on the issues you are facing. I have served as a counselor, educator and presenter in the fields of mindfulness and personal growth. I work with people dealing with issues that include anxiety, anger, trauma, depression, grief, relationship, body image, and adjustment issues. To feel healthy of mind, body and spirit is your birthright and I am committed to helping you claim it as your own. I offer a complimentary initial phone consultation and a sliding scale. Let's connect so that I may better understand your presenting issues and you may get a better sense of me. Wishing you all the best on your journey. Mindfully, Christine