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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Yonkers, NY

location-map Yonkers, NY | (914) 712 8211

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I am a licensed psychotherapist with over 25 years of providing mental health services to adults, couples, families & groups. My motto is Mental Health Therapy Can Benefit Everyone!!! Changes in mental health is largely about brain health by changing your thoughts and self-limiting beliefs. Thoughts impact your nervous system. Changing thoughts leads to changes in behavior. New behaviors can bring about better coping strategies, less depression & anxiety, gratefulness, and clarity of life goals for success. Based on new advances in neuroscience you can rewire your brain for happiness in love, work, family, inner peace, & finances. COUPLES: Reprogram the brain for long-lasting love. Your brain and mindset may be programmed for an ego-centered relationship vs a we centered-spiritually based relationship. Learn Emotional Regulation skills; Your Love Language; Attachment issues and ancestral karma that keep you single or unhappy. Visit my website to learn more: Get started, TODAY, with emotional transformation for physical health and emotional health. Read my book: Reprogram your Brain for Happiness and Progressive mental health. Sold on Amazon. Progressive mental health is positive thinking for healing self emotionally and physically.