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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bexley, OH

location-map Bexley, OH | (800) 570 1509

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“Changing the memories that form the way we see ourselves also changes the way we view others”. I appreciate building an alliance in therapy to create a safe space a client can use to process thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. I use a cognitive behavioral approach, or IFS, to help clients find emotional freedom and produce change. I also have training in DBT for emotional regulation and anxiety, and EMDR to treat trauma and emotional distress. A hope I have for clients is to train the brain to live in the "gray" or to walk the middle path. I aim to help clients decrease emotional suffering that living in extremes can cause. In therapy I will ask thoughtful questions to prompt different ways of thinking. I will provide support and challenge each client to regulate emotions differently, to understand different parts of themselves in order to guide a higher and more balanced sense of self. I am currently accepting new clients, please message me to discuss availability as my schedule fluctuates.