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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cincinnati, OH

location-map Cincinnati, OH | (513) 780 5448

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I work specifically with couples who have discovered infidelity. Couples are traumatized when infidelity is discovered and the clinician needs to help the couple implement immediate steps to prevent further damage to the relationship. Counselor strategies for infidelity are much different than what a traditional counselor would utilize. When couples set up an appointment with me, they will get in quickly, and experience a specific treatment approach for infidelity. I also help couples with creating intimate communication, conflict skills, creating emotional and sexual intimacy, and increasing love and affection. I offer in-office, virtual and home-based couples therapy in Cincinnati Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Scottsdale Arizona. Couples can attend traditional sessions, intensive sessions that are 3 or 6 hours long, or day-long home-based sessions. My process of couples therapy is systemic, transformational and experiential. My hope is that you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and your partner, which will create transformation in your relationship. I create the session experience so that you will consistently experience each other in a positive, growth-oriented way.