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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Columbus, OH

location-map Columbus, OH | (216) 294 2858

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People can heal from trauma. But you don't have to do this alone. People pleasing, relationship stress, anger, chronic pain, addictions, shame, insecurity; just a few ways trauma tends to show itself in your life. When people decide to get curious about how the wounding moments in life have impacted their self-worth and worldview, then healing can occur. You deserve to heal. And you deserve support through this process. I help people let go of shame, rediscover who they are, and find reasons to smile again. I would be honored to help discover what healing looks like for you, should you choose to no longer travel that path alone. I specialize in therapies beyond traditional talk therapy. If you've found limited symptom relief from talk therapy, perhaps consider something new. I'm an EMDR certified therapist, EMDR consultant in training, and Usui Reiki Master. I use Mindfulness based, Expressive Arts, IFS- informed methods and body-based healing methods in my trauma- focused work. It's of utmost importance to me that you leave your session feeling seen, heard, and valued for the truly unique and deserving person that you are. You can borrow the compassion I give you while learning to give yourself some grace and compassion of your own. And regardless of which treatment path we choose to embark on together; I'll meet you where you are.

location-map Columbus, OH | (614) 762 9199

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Anxious perfectionists go through perpetual guilt, shame, and self-punishment. No matter how hard you try, you're always falling short. It's exhausting, but you don't really know how to relax and probably don't sleep so well. Maybe you're first-generation, or the sibling who had to keep it together, or a grown-up "gifted and talented" kid. Anxious perfectionism may also show up as body tension, severe procrastination and indecision, and difficulty with boundaries and people-pleasing. Perfectionists don't do things perfectly—they feel like they ALWAYS have to do better. You may not even be sure if you can call yourself a good person. I get it because I've been there. I've helped hundreds of anxious perfectionists feel like they can breathe again. I aim for the root of anxiety, perfectionism, & chronic guilt in ways that I've honed over 7 years of practice. I blend art therapy, parts work, & other therapy techniques to help you feel unburdened, deeply rested, and unapologetically joyful. I work online only across the states of Ohio & California (limited availability). You can stay safe & comfy at home, in pajamas if you want—you're welcome exactly as you are. I'm warm, caring, & real; I laugh a lot & I’m not afraid of tears. Therapy is an investment and a gift to yourself & to those around you—connect with me & let's get you feeling better.