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Today is January 3, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dublin, OH
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Life is a mystery. And it is filled with a plethora of challenges and difficulties mixed with tangible joys and reasons for gratitude. Varieties of suffering in life are an unavoidable part of the human condition. Learning how to both live with and be transformed in and through our sufferings is an essential endeavor towards both surviving and thriving. In my 10 years of being a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, I have had the distinct privilege of accompanying adults of all stripes through periods in their lives where they wanted the tools and insights that can be acquired through therapy to regain their agency in life. I specialize in treating generalized anxiety, OCD, depression, complex trauma and PTSD, substance and alcohol use, couples and marital issues, grief, major life transitions, vocational/career discernment, and a variety of everyday and lifelong existential questions and realities we all face. I utilize CBT, REBT, Mindfulness, Existential, & EMDR Therapy. I find that those who come to lovingly and gently accept themselves with all of their gifts and defects set out on a path of growth and development that is truly lifelong. I would be honored to accompany you in your life if you want or need professional support.
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