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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Euclid, OH

location-map Euclid, OH | (216) 930 2492

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Are you and your partner struggling with effective communication? Has infidelity put a strain in your relationship? Have you experienced bouts of depression that impact your life seasonally or all the time? Are you ready for change? What you focus on expands and eventually manifests in your life. We can work on behaviors surrounding the cycles of depression, relationships, anxiety and grief with the goal of building a less stressful life. Treatments and interventions include working through childhood wounds and other unresolved issues to help you feel less broken. With over 35 years in private practice, my clinical experience includes supportive counseling for couples and families on grief, anxiety, depression and relationship issues. I weave holistic and spiritual principals in a way that is comfortable to culturally diverse individuals and families. People purposely come to therapy because of unmet needs. Without judgement, I work with you to identify those needs. Together, we will cultivate new core beliefs and values that will positively impact your life, relationships and environment.

location-map Euclid, OH | (216) 303 6419

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Einstein wrote, "To do the same things and expect different results is insanity". Making change is not always easy. I can help you through this difficult process. My years of experience have equipped me with the knowledge and resources to assist you in this sometimes painful process. This is done in a nurturing and supportive environment that assists you to discover that path that best suits you. I will ask not for your trust based of my education and training. What I ask is for the opportunity to earn your trust because I care and I want to make a difference in your life. I work with client who experience self- esteem, discontentment, depression, anxiety, anger/stress management, marriage/couples counseling, and substance abuse My professional goal for my clients is simple: Identify areas of concern, develop a treatment plan, and work to achieve those goals. No problem is too small or too large to address.