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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fairlawn, OH

location-map Fairlawn, OH | (330) 460 0113

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Life tends to bring about a set of challenges that can be difficult to manage without the right tools. Identifying the right people just to share your story with and get wise counsel can be even more challenging. Are you depressed, anxious, confused about your purpose and goals for your life or just flat out need someone to talk to...I’m here. I believe that everyone is born with the innate ability to thrive and persevere regardless of what the circumstances say. Have faith in yourself, acknowledge that inner strength, take one small step at a time and see results manifest in due time. Seeking help means you are almost there! I utilize a variety of techniques to help increase your awareness, by taking a holistic approach focusing on the mind, soul, and spirit. I believe that neglecting one or the other equals partial results. I incorporate approaches using Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Based Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to name a few. My focus is you and I would encourage you to reach out to determine if there is potential to build a solid, genuine client therapist relationship.