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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Milford, OH

location-map Milford, OH | (513) 457 7106

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My experience has focused on trauma, PTSD, and grief issues resulting in depression and other mood disorders, as well as working with court-mandated clients with addiction to substances. I work with clients to improve coping skills and increase resilience. I like to focus on an individual's ability to increase the skills you have learned to get into the habit of using these skills to improve your life circumstances, make better choices and decisions for yourself. My specializations include short solution-focused therapy, CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy to reframe negative thoughts, and the person-centered approach, which accepts clients where they are and hopes to move them forward. I have been working in the counseling field since 2009. I specialize in the treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with depression, and anxiety issues. I utilize a holistic approach, taking into account the whole person and their counseling needs.

location-map Milford, OH | (513) 540 2764

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Feeling stuck spiritually? Emotionally? Let's get you out of the muck and into a life of freedom, peace, & wellbeing. I'm an experienced life coach, spiritual director, pastor, and chaplain, and I care deeply about people's spiritual wellbeing. I'm not a licensed psychologist or therapist. I don't diagnose or treat mental illness. I'm here to walk with you into a deeper, richer spirituality regardless of your background or beliefs. View 6 Photos I'm a certified spiritual director, board certified life coach, board certified chaplain, & ordained minister specializing in your relationship with the Divine, dealing with depression, grief, loss, & suicide issues, as well as fears & anxieties. Give me a shout and let's chat to see if we're a good fit.

location-map Milford, OH | (513) 831 9408

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We all struggle with changes, but it takes a courageous person to admit that they need help. When families or individuals seek help from my practice, the clinicians are eager in taking a hands on approach and create methods in overcoming the problems. We realize that it is best for our clients to leave the office after each appointment with a gameplan and knowing that they have a partner in defeating the problems that have led them to our office. I started working with people suffering from anxiety disorders, but have branched into ADHD, eating disorders, cutting, and relationship counseling. I employ a sense of humor and an eagerness to not only learn about the client before me, but an overall desire to learn all about my client's world. I'm a very curious person by nature, so this is truly the right job for me.