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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wapakoneta, OH
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Wapakoneta, OH | (567) 210 2656
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I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in the State of Ohio with experience working in residential treatment, schools, private practice, and clinical settings. I received my clinical training at Malone University, earning a Master's degree in Education with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am currently accepting new patients at our Wapakoneta office, and I'm honored to take part in your progress toward whole health. My aim is to provide a place for rest, exploration, learning, and growth. I specialize in working with adults and teenagers and a wide variety of mental and emotional issues, family and relationship dynamics, faith and spirituality, career interest and exploration, addiction, and criminal behavior. I am a Beck Institute-trained CBT provider treating chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. I take a non-judgmental, patient, understanding, and person-centered approach with each client I serve. Please call our office to schedule your appointment, or send us an email. We look forward to making progress with you. We currently accept health insurance and self-pay.
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