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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ardmore, OK

location-map Ardmore, OK | (918) 992 3975

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Being a mom can be such a blessing but it can also be SO HARD! Parenting in a world where we are expected to live up to the moms in Pinterest. Giving everything we have to our families until we are feeling exhausted and asking for nothing more than the appreciation we likely won't hear. Feeling so isolated and alone despite the fact that there are people needing us constantly. Feeling guilt and shame because we believe we will never be good enough. Doing so much each day but feeling like you are never getting anything done. And constantly worrying about our children. It doesn't have to be this way... You want life to slow down enough that you catch up on all the things! You want to finally feel accomplished and proud of the work you are doing. And you want to find yourself in all this chaos because you recognize you have lost her somewhere along the way. I am currently in network with most major insurances and offer consistent wkly apptmts. I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor and provide LPC Candidates with Supervision for State Licensure. When I am not mentoring clinicians or providing trainings in maternal mental health, I may be seen chasing my own kiddos around or reading a good book. or