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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Owasso, OK
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Sometimes we get disconnected from important others in our life. We can even feel disconnected from ourselves. We doubt our decisions, question our thoughts, and dismiss our feelings. Traumatic events like combat or abusive relationships as well as unrelenting daily stresses can create this discontent. Even if you feel established personally and professionally, ongoing stressors can cause an "unsettling" that interrupts your quality of life. Having a safe place to explore those conflicts can be helpful. Even if you're right where you want to be, you may want the space of therapy to reach and understand deeper parts of yourself. View 6 Photos Not every therapist and client fit together perfectly, yet I can offer the listening and discernment that might help you in ways you need most. Psychotherapy is a unique experience that can yield much needed results. Whether you've tried therapy with another professional or are taking a first step in the process, I'll do my best to take the journey with you. In our work together we collaborate to help you find the questions that need answers and the changes needing to be made. You can then use those discoveries to live your life more fully. Sometimes people just need the right place to tell their story, explore themselves for who they really are, and begin writing the next chapters with dignity and self-respect.
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