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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Florence, OR

location-map Florence, OR | (503) 755 5259

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I help those searching for a creative solution to life's challenges, who are open to or seeking somatic and process-based therapy, in addition to talk therapy. I enjoy working with people from many different walks of life, who seek help with existential issues, life events, mental health challenges and more. I strive to create a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere where you can feel safe sharing your concerns, and supported in exploring and engaging with self-discovery, learning and insight. My practice is centered in Art Therapy and Expressive Arts, including the use of fine art media, creative journaling, movement, rhythm, guided imagery and more. I may also add mind-body, spiritual, trauma-informed, or more conventional therapeutic techniques. My eclectic approach is tailored to your needs and wishes in developing plans and sessions. Our first meeting will be a chance to get to know one another a little, explore issues you'd like to work on, and determine if what I offer is the right fit. I'll provide you my recommendations, and work with you to set up a plan of care and a schedule for meeting, and/or refer you to other providers or resources as appropriate.