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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hillsboro, OR
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Hillsboro, OR | (503) 214 2494
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What solution are you seeking? My goal is to help you reach your goals. As a husband, father to six kids, grandfather to six grandkids, mental health worker, and minister I bring a some life experience to the table. If nothing else I've learned we all need an encouraging voice from time to time. I look forward to traveling with you on the road to transformation. View 3 Photos I have extensive experience working with youth, couples and families of all shapes and sizes and individuals. One of my passions is spiritual integration in therapy. I offer a non-judgmental solution-focused approach to solving problems and reaching goals. My approach is to help you to know yourself so you are enabled to make more healthy decisions for yourself. Primarily I use a Person-Centered, research in psychoneurobiology, attachment theory, cognitive behavioral therapy and biblical theology to inform my work with you. Overall I seek to be respectful of your process.
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