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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jacksonville, OR

location-map Jacksonville, OR | (458) 241 5765

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I work with a combination of somatic awareness, analysis, creativity, and deep, honest conversation in my work with clients. I have been sitting with folks for over 15 years and have learned so much in that time through my work, and as the field of therapy and counseling has continued to evolve and grow. My client sessions are involved interactions, where I ask questions, give feedback, and encourage that magic combination of accountability and grace with yourself and others. We live in a larger context and system, and an understanding of that system and your place in it will also inform our work at all times. Working with me you will experience compassionate feedback, systemic analysis of the larger context in which we live, an understanding of the healing, unpacking, and deconstructing journey, guidance around embodied mental health, boundaries, and the importance of the role of creativity and connection with our inner life in healing. I recently reopened my practice and look forward to meeting you. Please reach out via my website if you are interested in connecting further.