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Today is March 27, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Keizer, OR
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Looking for someone to be in your corner? I can help with immediate pressing needs, highlight strengths and areas for growth, and collaborate on goals until they are achieved. What kind of therapeutic space do you prefer? I can hold the gentle, provide a light push, or be direct. We can move through your current issue together and learn how to boost your awareness, confidence, and skills. Let's team up and help you grow and thrive beyond counseling. I'm happy to meet with you for a free consult. I offer counseling in-person via outside walk-and-talk (to the Eugene/Springfield area) and online video (for residents of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington State). I identify as a white, heterosexual, cisgender, and able-bodied male. I am devoted to being open and humble, and committed to understanding clients' experience. I strive to be an ally and advocate; when you are ready to share aspects of your life or personhood, I will always be affirming.

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