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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 6 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Salem, OR
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La mochila de la vida puede estar llena de piedras, lo que hace que el camino sea pesado y tedioso. A lo largo del proceso de asesoramiento, aprenderas a transformar esas rocas en plumas. Durante nuestras sesiones, te ayudaré a reconocer la carga que llevas y a aceptar las mismas que son parte de tu crecimiento personal y aceptarlas te hará sentir en el ser humano único fundamentado que eres. Con mi enfoque colaborativo, se te darán las herramientas para viajar a través de los inevitables altibajos de la vida de una manera saludable y disfrutar una vida plena y satisfactoria.
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I currently have a waitlist for new clients. Clinical supervisor: I have immediate openings! I provide Individual and Group Supervision for CSWA’s in the Portland-Salem areas. Whitney Voigt, PhD, LCSW offers a warm, welcoming space where you will be met with honesty and positivity. The therapy I offer is heart-centered and empathetic support utilizing my training in EMDR, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, attachment, and trauma-informed therapies, as well as mindfulness practices. Individual, couple, and family therapy sessions where each client-therapist relationship is unique, and as your therapist I will work to provide compassionate care tailored to your specific set of needs and therapeutic goals. I take a person-centered approach to collaborate with you on your goals, meeting you wherever you are in your journey. I believe in the healing and change that therapy brings people and believe in the power of tapping into the creative and deeper part of self that promotes true growth. I also believe in the unique strengths and abilities of people. As a therapist, my goal is to support you in increasing your self-compassion and self-confidence to achieve the life you desire.
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Dr. Ellyn Singer has been working in mental health for nearly 29 years. Throughout the course of her career, Dr. Singer has treated adults/adolescents, couples and families experiencing depression, suicidality, anxiety, personality disorders and addictive behaviors. She currently works in an intensive psychiatric facility as an individual/ family therapist. Dr. Singer also trains/supervises associates in Maternal Mental Health, Family/Child Therapy. In the privacy of her consultation office, Dr. Singer works with you in the present day and also looks at repetitive patterns you may have developed in your life. Dr Singer believes in the strength and alliance of the therapeutic relationship and how healing and life-changing it can be. By working closely with you, Dr Singer will foster a relationship of compassion, strength and support. Knowing there a good "fit " between us leads to greater self-awareness, relief of symptoms and a more engaged and connected life.
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You work so hard to become a professional and then Wham, out of nowhere you begin to experience anxiety or a feeling that maybe you don't know what you are doing after all. Your supervisor's communication feels like sandpaper and you get emotional without apparent reason. The work just doesn't feel like what you expected and you just feel out of sorts. You begin to realize you are using substances and some pretty unhealthy behavior just to cope. I mean it was fine in college but now it keeps you from feeling good. You need support from someone that gets it. You just need to get back on track. I offer very private counseling to professionals in all fields to overcome those things that feel so challenging. I work closely with you to personalize your specific needs to avoid wasting time and money. I have a direct approach that gets you back to feeling yourself as quickly as possible. You are very good at what you do. You have the expertise, education, and experience but something just doesn't feel right. You are struggling with something that shouldn't bother you. You know intellectually what to do but you just can't seem to overcome your feelings. let me help you get back to yourself quickly.
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As an expressive art therapy counselor, I am able to offer a quiet, serene, and peaceful interactive environment that will allow you to explore your life and improve the quality of your life. You need not have any experience. We will work together to provide you with tools to enhance your journey through life. I work with children, young adults, teens, women, and a limited number of families. View 10 Photos Expressive arts enhance the communication between a client and counselor. Some days a person may feel like scribbling to relieve the soul of negativity, and other days s/he may feel like painting an abstract to encourage the positivity in growth. Soft music and aromatherapy complete the experience. I have 40+ years of experience teaching all grade levels from pre-K through the university area. As an art therapy counselor, I bring to the practice years of bicultural/bilingual experience and understanding. What makes us different makes us unique and therein lies our goal - understanding this uniqueness.
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You have decided to make some changes but do not know where to start. Your life, your marriage or your family, may seem out of control. You are a unique individual and you have within you great potential to make desired changes in your life. The relationship between client and therapist is based on trust and the hope filled possibility of that change. I will work with you as a collaborative guide to enable you to discover and map your chosen objectives. Small changes in your life will often results in positive changes in your relationships. Important relationships are meant to thrive, to form a sense of synergy. This happens when there is strong desire to stop just surviving and to boldly begin individual and relationship work needed to create strong bonds. I will walk with you on that journey, helping you reach hidden potential in your life and your relationships . I have training in Marriage and Family Therapy. I have completed Level One Premiere Couples Therapy, Level 2 Gottman relationship training, and Prepare Enrich. I find it rewarding to assist couples and families reach their full potential, as well as working with parents to raise happy and responsible children. Spiritual counseling is available upon request.
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