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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Silverton, OR

location-map Silverton, OR | (503) 461 1895

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I specialize in therapeutic intervention with children, adolescents, couples, and disability. I believe that every person has the right to exceptional care from a therapist that honors their experience. I believe individuals have the ability to learn and change the course of their lives, if they so desire. I believe through a trusting relationship and a willingness to challenge beliefs that no longer serve us, that all people can adjust what they experience. I may use an eclectic approach with a variety of methods and resources during the course of therapy and try to offer those I believe the client is most likely to utilize. I have a personal passion for work with children and adolescence working through trauma and adjustment. I enjoy working with parents and primary support providers in building solid foundations. I specialized and practiced with clients experiencing neurodivergence/intellectual/developmental disability for over 25 years. I truly understand what it's like to feel alone. Like your experience is so unique and individual that no one will or can help, let alone care. I assure you that you are not alone and that help and change is realistic and possible.