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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Aliquippa, PA

location-map Aliquippa, PA | (724) 383 8034

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I help clients with a myriad of issues, including mood disorders, trauma and PTSD, anxiety, self-esteem, care-giver fatigue, parenting challenges, relationship issues, substance use, and grief and loss. I believe in my clients! I believe in your ability to identify, express constructively, and modify emotions and behaviors and acquire new and more effective behaviors that promote coping, impulse control, sound relationships, and good emotional and physical health. I utilize evidence-based interventions based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IP) to help clients increase their awareness and understand the interaction of biology, relationships and societal impacts on their mental health and stability. Change is a journey, and I count it a privilege to walk alongside you on your journey to sustained emotional wellness. Change creation does not have to be limited by your past experiences or future fears. Change happens with compassion and support. Using connection as a foundation for courage.