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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Annville, PA

location-map Annville, PA | (717) 276 8598

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I am a fully licensed Marriage & Family Therapist providing therapy for individuals, couples, and families. It is my life's passion to see marriages and families thrive and survive the obstacles that come their way such as: relationship difficulties (i.e. marital conflicts, parenting, in-laws), stress, and anxiety. I offer classes and marriage retreats on various topics like communication, sex, and forgiveness as well as premarital counseling. After creating a safe place for you to tell your story, together we will examine your family of origin, life experiences, and personality to uncover the root cause of the troubles you face. Using your strengths and customized techniques that fit your situation, we will develop an action plan to revive and restore your life. Life can be difficult and disorienting; but, we were never created to walk our painful journeys alone. Courage is knowing when to ask for help. It would be an honor and a privilege for me to hear your story and to walk alongside you as together we find hope and healing for the broken pieces.

location-map Annville, PA | (717) 985 7058

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Are you living with the painful consequences of bad decisions and want more joy, ease, and fulfillment? Do you want to stop fighting and start cooperating, connecting, and communicating in your relationships? Maybe you feel frozen, on an emotional rollercoaster, or both depending on the day. Do you want to experience your emotions as supporting your richer more satisfying life? Are you feeling lonely and isolated, like no one gets you or even wants to? Would you like more mutually loving relationships where you are seen, heard, and treated with respect? Are you looking for an LGBTQ ally? I help women, men, and couples who want satisfying relationships, more clarity, and greater ease in life; but who struggle with fear, physical restrictions, loneliness, poor communication, disembodiment, and anger. I actively incorporate a whole-person perspective including somatic therapy and spirituality to address my clients' concerns. Clients say I am a safe, caring person who listens deeply; offering non-judgmental exploratory space for them to increase deep love, connection, and respect in intimate relationships; compassionately meet their experiences; accomplish goals; and fully honors their body wisdom. Turn struggle into strength. Come work with me.