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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Breinigsville, PA
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Breinigsville, PA | (484) 447 3005
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My practice combines compassion and creativity to connect with individuals and families. It is through this connection that I will guide one through life's challenges and assist individuals and families in discovering and focusing on one's strengths and potential for growth. My own experiences, as a parent of a special needs child, have enriched my work as a therapist and helped me gain a richer understanding of the importance of a strong support system. Therefore, I strongly believe in working hard to help individuals and families feel supported during the various joys and adversities of life. My clinical background, training and experiences support a variety of therapeutic techniques, such as art, play and traditional therapy, depending on one's personal goals for treatment. I am a registered, board certified art therapist and licensed professional counselor.
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