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Today is March 27, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chester, PA
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Sometimes the life around you shifts, or the life inside you does–or both do–and you find that things just feel so big and fast, and maybe even painful. You might be going through a big transition, dealing with a loss, or coping with intense stress. You might not even know what’s causing it. Whatever the reason, you’re left with the sense that things just aren’t right, and part of you wonders whether what’s wrong is you, that you’re broken somehow. But that part isn’t all of you, and it isn’t alone. Inside of you, there’s also wisdom and a great capacity to understand and heal what aches, so that you feel more peace internally and experience more harmony as you navigate challenges, losses, stress–whatever life puts in your path. Together, our work will be to find and nourish what’s already within you. I meet you with openness to all the parts of you, whether they’re critical or criticized, anxious or calm, heavy with sadness or energetic and driven. We work to access and open up the gifts these parts hold and to connect with the core you that’s so full of wisdom and vigor. Life slows down. Healing begins. And a brighter, clearer path opens up before you.

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Have you ever felt like you were wearing a mask around everyone else? That you are truly the one exception to the rule that everyone is deserving of love? That you are actually the one person in this world who must be perfect, the funniest, the most attractive? Or that there's just something "off" inside you or within your life? I understand because I've been there and it's why I try to cultivate a space for people to practice being themselves, free of judgement. Whether it's through humor, the odd curse word (or ten) or representing your mood through memes, I love it all. Because the real growth comes from being genuinely you. I help my clients increase their self-worth, strengthen their relationships, and develop an awareness of their emotional responses by exploring the deeper "roots" behind our protective parts of self. I believe that through exploring deeply held beliefs about oneself and the world, and accepting all parts of self, that people can achieve growth and change. Therapy can be an uncomfortable and challenging process; however, it is truly a rewarding journey towards self-acceptance. As isolating as it can feel, you are not alone in these experiences. Change is possible and I would be honored to be apart of your journey towards embracing the traits and characteristics that make you uniquely you.

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For over fifteen years, I have been honored to walk beside hundreds of people in their journey to greater empowerment and resiliency. Within the therapeutic relationship, we will work collaboratively to identify obstacles to wellness, develop skills for personal coping, illuminate individual strengths, and nurture individuals' inherent potential to thrive. I provide a non-judgmental and compassionate space to support individuals path of recognizing and attending to personal needs and self acceptance. I love to meet people where they are, bringing in a variety of tools to enhance growth and support each person's individual goals. My practice is rooted in a person-centered and strengths based approach. Additionally, I utilize my training in EMDR therapy to help individuals heal. Using EMDR to process old wounds, people are able to let go of the weight of the past and become more fully grounded in the present. Areas of experience and specialty include identity, trauma, LGBTQ specific focus, musician and artist specific focus, and young adults. Additionally, I am passionate about providing supervision for counselors working on licensure or looking to deepen their practice. **NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW PTS. PLEASE REACH OUT FOR SUPERVISION NEEDS.

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