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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Clifford, PA

location-map Clifford, PA | (570) 525 5867

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It is a big decision coming to counseling. Most people do not like asking for help (me included). I hope that you will consider giving counseling a try. I will strive to make your experience more like a partnership or collaboration, as opposed to "asking for help." I will try to create a safe space and offer you unconditional support throughout your time within this partnership. My over-arching approach utilizes a Solution Focused Brief Therapy Approach. SFBT is a goal directed brief therapy which utilizes a collaborative approach towards positive change, which is rooted in the perspective that our clients are the experts of their own unique experiences. I utilize an integrative and eclectic counseling approach. Congratulations for taking the hardest step, giving counseling a try. It is my hope that you find this a rewarding, fulfilling, and most importantly, a helpful experience! I am very much looking forward to collaborating and partnering with you!