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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dillsburg, PA

location-map Dillsburg, PA | (884) 558 1837

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My work is targeted towards individuals who desire personal growth through the many hardships that life may bring. At times, therapy is beneficial during times of crisis when joy and anticipation for the future seem lost. For others, it can be helpful to explore life transitions and ones deeper purpose and meaning. The therapy experience is unique for each client. Some clients may desire brief treatment to get themselves back on track. Other clients, may utilize therapy as an ongoing adjunct to their journey of personal growth. I welcome clients to bring their spiritual values and beliefs into the counseling process, if desired. Initially, clients often present with symptoms of anxiety and depression. They are using a variety of maladaptive strategies to try to survive.Through therapy, we will aim to explore these thoughts and behaviors and learn new skills to address them. Many find the process of developing greater self-awareness and learning new tools to be a freeing experience. I can appreciate that seeking therapy is an investment of your time and resources. It's common to feel skeptical and unsure about counseling. My personal counseling style ensures your identified needs and goals lead the way in our time together. I seek to create an authentic and collaborative environment that feels safe to do brave and courageous inner work.

location-map Dillsburg, PA | (717) 619 8828

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Every journey is unique. At different points we all can use a helping hand to bring or restore hope. For over the last ten years, I have been working with children, adolescents, and young adults in the transitions of life in various roles. I am passionate about journeying with people as they find health and wellness. As an individual who finds that holistic wellness can be the most beneficial approach to counseling, I desire to help clients find peace in the midst of life’s challenges. Whether an individual is facing anxiety, depression, OCD, self-harm, career exploration, family difficulties, parenting challenges, or addiction, I desire to help people find wellness. My desire is to help people restore hope in the midst of brokenness and meet people where they are to bring restoration.