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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Etters, PA
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As a board-certified music therapist, I use an eclectic approach to meet the needs of each client. I believe each person is unique; therefore, the person engaged in therapy is at the center, and meeting them where they are at emotionally, physically, cognitively, spiritually, and socially is essential. I work closely with my clients using a variety of techniques and interventions to achieve individualized goals which aim to enhance overall quality of life. Music therapy provides a unique opportunity for clients to engage in a multimodal experience, meaning several areas of the brain are activated while participating in music activities. (So cool!) Within a typical music therapy session, clients' may use a variety of instruments and engage in music experiences based upon their specific needs. My primary goal as a music therapist is to provide a structured, safe, and motivating environment using client-preferred music and activities. I am passionately dedicated to helping others with reaching their full potential through their healing journey in creative and innovative ways. Think music therapy is for you? Head to my website for more information!

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