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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Flourtown, PA

location-map Flourtown, PA | (215) 882 9840

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It's hard navigating what’s happening in the world. You want the best possible education and experiences for your child, and that could mean putting them in situations that expose them to racism and classism early on. Being the only or one of few is hard! The reality is that this can be confusing for your child and they often lack the tools to handle these situations. The impact on their day to day images of themselves is massive. Their once bright eyes are a little dimmer. Their trust in peers and adults lessens. Your once confident child or teen is now self-conscious, anxious, and struggles to meet unfair standards. View 6 Photos We help kids and teens work through their anxiety and feelings of being singled out, excluded, or stereotyped. We teach safe and helpful coping skills to navigate situations where they feel their skin, hair, or background are being called out. We give them the tools to boost and maintain self-esteem and create a sense of belonging. You don't have to do this alone. This can change now. Your child can learn how to find support in their environment while loving themselves and their heritage. Schedule a phone consultation at the following link: