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Today is March 27, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ligonier, PA

location-map Ligonier, PA | (724) 824 1758

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The busyness of your life fools you into thinking that everything is going along splendidly. The pressure you feel every day never seems to go away. You sense the floodwaters of being overwhelmed as you say “yes” to one more thing you don’t have time for right now. Guilt arises around the fact that your energy level is so low that you have to say “no” when your child asks you to read them a book. Wondering if you will ever get out of the “rat” race you call your life, you grab for the bag of chips and start binge watching another episode of your favorite show. Maybe you will have the energy to make some changes another day. View 5 Photos The time to start making small shifts that can make a big impact is now. With over 20 years experience in mental health, I can help guide “you” back to yourself and help you discover what really feeds your mind, body, and soul. We will work together to discover the tools you need to start living a life more aligned with your true self. The messages we receive from society are relentless and can keep us bogged down in feeling that we are not good enough or doing enough. I am here to help you shut out that “noise” and reconnect back to your own inner wisdom. . The time to fill your own cup is now. Call me to schedule a free 20 minute consultation so that we can begin this journey together.