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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Murrysville, PA

location-map Murrysville, PA | (724) 871 3218

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I believe, the single most important element of counseling is the relationship between the therapist and client. The first step is for us to work together to balance both a professional and heartfelt relationship. You'll find the office welcoming, comfortable, discreet atmosphere; where you can feel safe to discuss your needs. I serve a variety of client populations, including, youth, adolescent, adult and geriatric clients. Couples, Family, Individual and Group Therapy are a focus. Specializations: Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Anger, Parenting and Loss. Referrals for medication management can also be facilitated through my office, if desired.. Whether you are experiencing workplace reentry, job loss, stress management, or career choices, life transitions, relationships, parenting, or chronic illness; we'll look into why themes repeat themselves and identify new outcomes. We'll work together to develop fresh goals and new solutions to consider on your journey. As a Christian counselor, we can address the, mental, social and spiritual, (psychosociospiritual) parts of your life. I believe that birth order, family roles, social experiences and birth home, along with your faith walk, all come together to flavor your reactions to life situations.