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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Narberth, PA

location-map Narberth, PA | (610) 347 5541

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To live full, free, and generous lives, we need to connect deeply with ourselves and with others. I gently encourage clients to develop confidence in their inner knowledge and to have faith in the flow of the universe. When we trust our feelings, our intuition, and our creativity, we don't feel impelled to muscle through the world. Instead, we feel guided and supported. I help clients to rely on their inner knowledge and to express their vulnerabilities and strengths so that they can fulfill their potential, interact meaningfully with others, enjoy life's riches, and do the work they are meant to do. Tapping into both my playful spirit and my understanding that children need indirect interventions, I am quite effective with younger children. With adolescents and adults, I use my own reactions and feelings with great precision.I have a particular interest-and more than 20 years' experience-in treating people who are struggling with eating disorders. What I feel during sessions guides my understanding of clients' inner lives. I'm honest and compassionate in my feedback. When we face our stuck places squarely and with vulnerability, we raise our consciousness. We needn't work strenuously to effect change. Transformation comes from shining light on an issue with love, compassion and curiosity.

location-map Narberth, PA | (484) 858 0016

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It's hard to get clean and sober, and staying clean and sober tends to bring out issues that also can be quite difficult. I provide private, confidential treatment for the chemically dependent. Since 1994 I have helped hundreds of men and women through counseling to address their alcoholism, drug addiction and related issues. I provide counsel, support and coaching for those in early recovery. I also counsel those in sustained recovery who are ready to work on recovery related life issues. Substance Abuse Counseling, Chemical Dependency Counseling, DUI Counseling, DUI Education and Treatment, Drug Counseling, Alcohol Counseling, Drug Treatment, Alcohol Treatment, Recovery Support , Drug Addiction Counseling, Addiction Awareness Education, Addiction Counseling, Addiction Treatment, Recovery Coaching, Alcoholism Treatment, Cocaine Abuse and Addiction Treatment, Opiate Addiction Treatment, Heroin Addiction Treatment, Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment OTHER SERVICES: Addiction Awareness Education for job related substance abuse problems - Return to Work. Addiction and Alcoholism Issues, Recovery Issues, Substance Abuse Counseling, Drug and Alcohol Counseling, Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment.