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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Oreland, PA

location-map Oreland, PA | (267) 625 6403

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If you've decided to look for better ways to take care of yourself or boost a relationship, finding the right therapist is a great start. I offer a calm, safe place for people to begin making sense of their most confusing, distressing difficulties. Usually these include parenting struggles, conflict with loved ones, traumatic experiences, and self-defeating behavior patterns. I'm a sensitive, knowledgeable and insightful supporter who can help you gain the understanding you need to define your best path toward healthier relationships and a happier you. I see even the most frustrating symptoms and conflicts as genuine attempts to make needed change. I specialize in helping clients find relief through a fresh, creative vision of themselves and what is possible in their key relationships. I also teach evidence-based interventions to address the effects of trauma and other special needs. My office is in my home - it's quiet, spacious and comfortable, close to major roads and public transportation routes. My groups are held at various locations in the Philadelphia area. I'll be glad to answer questions and talk with you about your concerns during a free 30-minute consultation by phone.

location-map Oreland, PA | (215) 600 1918

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Feeling stuck in life? Maybe it's time to get some help. Do you find yourself getting sad or angry at confusing moments in your life? Do others find you to be "primarily angry," "often sad," or in some other way dominated by one particular feeling? Expressing and/or making sense of negative emotions is sometimes challenging. I help people examine, understand, and process their feelings so that they can be more productive and self-secure. I am also particularly skilled in helping people with life and career transition problems. I am a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with early and mid-aged adults mood and anxiety disorders, and issues related to grief and identity issues. I practice from an eclectic perspective, but utilize humanistic, DBT, EMDR, and other skill- and process-based interventions to help you manage challenging feelings and untangle emotional wounds.