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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ottsville, PA

location-map Ottsville, PA | (610) 510 8972

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I am a licensed professional counselor and trauma-informed therapist trained in mindfulness self-compassion who works collaboratively with clients to help them make the lasting changes they seek. I create a safe, trusting, and supportive environment so you can feel less isolated and more connected and understood. This becomes the foundation on which we work to help you build your self-awareness and develop the tools to improve the quality of your life. My goal is to help you take what you learn in the therapy setting out into the life you inhabit. I work from a strength-based foundation incorporating humanist, feminist, self-compassion and multicultural perspectives along with various evidence-based tools such as mindfulness, meditation, and trauma-informed care. I specialize in life transitions, anxiety and depression, self-esteem, stress management, and trauma-related issues. As a therapist and a social justice advocate, I have experience with a diverse client-base, including those who have experienced marginalization due to chronic illness, disability, ageism, minority religious/spiritual orientations and LGBTQ+ identity.