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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rosemont, PA

location-map Rosemont, PA | (484) 371 2860

Accepting New Clients

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Espenshade Counseling provides creative and individualized treatment plans which typically incorporate therapy, coaching, case management, family support, and connections to outside providers such as psychiatrists, group programs, and nutritional support. As Director of Operations, I oversee our practice's intake/admissions process and play an important role in pairing new clients/families with the most appropriate team members. Once a new client/family engages in our services, I assist our Chief Clinical Officer in ensuring that the team is working effectively and collaboratively to achieve goals. I continue to provide coaching and case management services to clients on a limited basis. In working with individuals - I assist them in developing their recovery plan, managing daily life issues in early recovery, preparing for significant and challenging events/social situations, and work to help them build self-efficacy in the process. Lastly, I help clients explore healthy activities such as music, writing, art, sports, exercise, and other recovery-oriented outlets.

location-map Rosemont, PA | (610) 664 8519

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Psychotherapy offers the opportunity to work toward feeling better about yourself and your relationships. In session you have the opportunity to discuss your concerns in a safe, caring, and supportive setting. I use an active approach to help you identify patterns of thoughts and behaviors that are not working and help you develop new patterns that can lead to reduced distress and improve your relationships. Many people I work with come with depression, eating disorders, anxiety and relationship or marital issues. Others come to talk about parenting concerns, family issues or adjustment to life changes and stresses. In my practice I work with preteens, teens, young adults, and adults in individual, couples, and family therapy. My specialty areas include women's issues and helping adolescents and young adults develop a healthier sense of who they are, couples counseling and working with families and family dynamics. Although I am not on insurance panels, I will work with you to help you get reimbursed through your applicable insurance benefits.