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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Thornton, PA
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Sometimes, it’s about where to start. How will you talk to this stranger – or why would you? My goal is to provide a safe place to talk and to not be a stranger. I often do 15-minute phone chats so you can “pre-meet” me and get that initial edge out of the way. I want to help you to (re)discover your own voice, to understand your reactions, to recover a more daring, loving self – someone who is more and not less. I won’t be a stranger for long because I’ve journeyed on similar paths. I work with individuals, couples, and families. While I will not be your answer book, I can be your guide. Whether you want to (re)learn how to communicate; to listen better; to express your needs and feel seen; to be safely angry; to be better understood, I use an integrative approach because you are unique and one therapy approach does not fit all. I understand how that COVID continues to affect how many live, think, react, interact, brood, & plan. It has interrupted our lives and demands attention. You can talk about the elephants in your life: from COVID to politics to religion to sex to gender to love to work to school … the whole zoo. This is your time for you. We work together; I adjust to you!
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