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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Warren, PA
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Faith-based counseling from a Christian perspective is available. I am dedicated to providing you with confidential, compassionate & personalized treatment to meet your individual needs & goals. Focus is on empowering you to make better decisions, gain more insight, and embrace the challenges of life. I have offices in downtown Chicago and Pennsylvania. I also offer video teletherapy and phone counseling for those living in rural areas of Illinois and Pennsylvania. Persons from all backgrounds welcome. Thriving in life is not only about surviving, but includes embracing joy, love, & beauty in relationships; developing coping skills; & dealing with life transitions. I am dedicated to providing you with empathy, genuineness, & compassion. Focus is on restoring dignity, strengths, & God-given talents through the healing love of Jesus Christ. As a professional with years of training in various fields including counseling, communications, business, and in volunteer capacities, I am here to help you. As a Roman Catholic, I offer offer counseling from a Christian perspective in conjunction with traditional therapeutic techniques including cognitive behavioral therapy and EMDR.
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