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Today is January 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wynnewood, PA
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Wynnewood, PA | (610) 638 7418
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My main practice is focused on treating trauma and attachment. My trauma training and education is broad and ongoing. I provide treatment to clients age 12 and over and have worked with survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, child abuse and neglect. I incorporate EMDR into my practice whenever applicable and use an integrative approach that includes attachment theory, IFS, mindfulness and trauma psychoeducation. I encourage family therapy and couples counseling whenever possible, because all family relationships suffer when a family member suffers. I integrate attachment theory and incorporate parenting skills and support in my family sessions. I provide psychoeducation to all of my clients. When appropriate I suggest using EMDR to process unresolved trauma. I offer ideas and insights that are non-judgmental, flexible and understanding. Above all, I respect you. Our work will be challenging and may take you out of your comfort zone at times, but ultimately you will be making the decisions about your treatment. I encourage and support honest and open communication and will do my best to provide the same to you.
Wynnewood, PA | (610) 915 8362
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Feel Better. Whether for depression, anxiety or relationship issues, the majority of the clients we see come to therapy with the goal of feeling better; happier, more connected to others, and free from the paralysis of emotional pain. Primarily psychodynamic and systems-oriented in approach, we look at how an issue experienced in the now came to be there, from early childhood experience to prior adult experiences, and how these all culminated in the present problem(s). We also utilize techniques to individually tailor treatment to the patient's needs, including cognitive/behavioral, problem-solving, and insight-oriented therapies, and often ..humor(!) MLPS clients include individuals, couples, and older adolescents dealing with a range of difficulties including depression, anxiety and panic disorders, eating disorders, OCD, chronic illness, relationship problems, women's health issues, job and school stresses, adult adjustment to suspected or diagnosed learning differences, and life event stress. As voicemails can pile up or be lost, Email me for a fast response
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