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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jamestown, RI

location-map Jamestown, RI | (401) 329 2103

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I continuously strive to give the most individualized care and support that I can, to best meet the needs of each client. In order to do so, I get to know my clients so that I can better understand them, their needs, their weaknesses and most importantly their strengths. In doing so, I am able to more effectively work with them to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and the reasons driving their mal-adaptive behaviors and choices. With a better understanding of oneself and one's actions, the steps towards making desired positive changes become more clear and attainable. I utilize a integrative approach to therapy, combining strategies and techniques from multiple types of therapy. This allows for me to somewhat modify and shift my approach for each client. I predominantly utilize Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) and Person Centered therapies, and often implement strategies from my holistic background. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or would like to work together. I look forward to working with you.