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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kingston, RI

location-map Kingston, RI | (401) 227 8447

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If you are feeling stuck in your career and can't find your way out, I can help. Are you working in a toxic environment? We can work together for a workable solution. Feeling held back in your career, but have no idea why? Maybe lack of soft skills? Or too shy to ask for the promotion you want? I'll help you develop the all important soft skills and teach you how to ask for that raise and promotion. My mission is to help. you find ways to move ahead in your career faster. I've supported people from many industries including legal, pharmaceutical, high tech, engineering, medical, and higher education. I work with people at all levels to build confidence, improve interviewing skills, work on interpersonal communication, and the value of trust in the workplace. We'll focus on positive solutions to your work issues that support your career goals and will get you ahead faster. I've spent over 30 years in industry in companies such as General Electric, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon and I can apply big company solutions to individuals and organizations. I have a 100% track record when people are looking to achieve a goal including their workplace and growing their careers.