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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Portsmouth, RI

location-map Portsmouth, RI | (401) 229 2923

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Success, change, happiness, hope, kindness, balance - these, among other traits, are things that we strive for & work towards in life but at times feel like they are completely & totally out of reach. Sometimes there are roadblocks & barriers that make the future seem unobtainable and that there is nothing but darkness ahead. It's moments like these that define us. When we are at a crossroads and important choices need to be made - this is where I come in. I wish to offer support, guidance, and help with the hope and intention that together, change can happen, skills can be built and goals can be attained. I'm a LMFT & I'm certified in Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral therapy, an evidenced based treatment used to work with children & teens impacted by trauma. I have experience working with children, teens, families, & couples with a range of difficulties & strengths including but not limited to Behavioral Issues, Parenting, Relational difficulties, Anxiety, Depression & Mood disorders. My hope is through collaborative & client focused work we can decrease symptoms, build on strengths, & continue on your road to success. My work with my clients is very compassionate & non-judgmental. I pull from a diverse range of interventions to meet my clients' specifics needs. I look forward to beginning this journey together!