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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wakefield, RI

location-map Wakefield, RI | (401) 257 7136

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Are you living your life by design or by default? Perhaps the symptom that brought you here today is not the real issue but is actually a message from your deepest wisdom to nudge you towards living your authentic life. Whether you are hoping to change your relationship with food and your body, shift your patterns in relationships, cope with an illness or pain, or simply to like yourself better, I have a question for you. Are you looking simply to alleviate your symptom (often replaced by another) or are you open to living from your heart’s desire to be fully Alive? I invite you to participate in this journey with me. Along this journey, you will discover that there is nothing inherently wrong with you. And that your life makes sense. How you perceive yourself, how you have managed relationships, and how you have lived in the world is the culmination of your genetic temperament, your family and life experiences, and the survival strategies you used to cope. And now you have an opportunity to shift your way of seeing yourself and being in the world. “Who do you want to be?” “How do you want to live?” “What Really Matters?” I invite you to have a conversation with me.