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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Westerly, RI

location-map Westerly, RI | (860) 333 6809

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Whether struggling with a particular issue, or feeling that there should be more to life, I appreciate the opportunity to help individuals move toward wellness. I have over ten years of experience helping manage issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, substance use disorders, domestic violence, and family conflict.I strive to provide a caring, safe, and confidential environment to explore issues that may be getting in the way of a more personally fulfilling life. It is my goal to provide individuals with the tools needed to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors to a more rewarding place in their lives. I have appreciation for culture and strive to embrace diversity. I have experience collaborating with DCF, court systems, and other community professionals. Trauma or maybe a substance use disorders may be limiting you. I appreciate the opportunity to help you chip away at ineffective beliefs and install more positive, strength-based, and adaptive coping. The journey to psychological well-being is not always an easy one and the decision to seek out a professional is that first BIG step. Maybe a leap! Empathy, compassion, resource, skill building, and professionalism will meet you in my office. Congratulations!-You are on your way!