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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Abbeville, SC

location-map Abbeville, SC | (864) 317 9027

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My primary focus is working with ages 14 and up who are struggling with managing their mood/ behavior in their daily life. My approach is a mix of compassion, humour, and validation for what you're going through. I am a trained DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) counselor. I received training through Behavioral Tech using Marsha Linehan curriculum. I assist clients in increasing their Mindfulness skills, to help regulate intense emotions and urges. I offer phone coaching for my existing clients to help them use their skills outside of sessions. I am also experienced working with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Communication issues, Grief and Loss, PTSD, Sexual/Physical Abuse, and Self harming behaviors. I believe in doing a detailed assessment at the beginning of therapy to see which type of counseling an individual is truly in need of. (I do not offer couples counseling). I offer both in person and virtual sessions for your convenience. However, I have a strict policy regarding the radius of clients I will accept for virtual therapy (based on my Abbeville SC location). I accept checks, credit or HSA cards, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and United Healthcare insurance. Visit me at