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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lexington, SC

location-map Lexington, SC | (317) 315 2137

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Hi there, I’m Aly! I am passionate about helping my clients move from surviving to thriving. I work hard to create an atmosphere of balance and self-acceptance. I want you to be able to break free from the vicious cycle of trying to be perfect, “failing”, then trying it all over again. My primary focus areas include eating disorders/disordered eating, anxiety, life transitions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Not only do I have years of professional experience and training regarding these struggles, but I also have years of personal experience and recovery! I am a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional, EMDR trained (virtually and in person), and an Associate Designee at IAEDP Institute on Eating Disorders. I am licensed in both South Carolina and Indiana. I can’t wait to join you on the journey to living a life of lasting freedom! If that sounds good to you, then let's do this thing.

location-map Lexington , SC

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Licence Information:

14191 | South Carolina

location-map Lexington , SC

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Licence Information:

8027 | South Carolina

location-map Lexington, SC | (803) 658 1642

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Life is often hard, no matter who you are. The story of our lives are filled with moments and seasons of challenge, change, and confusion. Life is filled with many deeply transformative experiences, for both good and bad. Thus, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Especially if we feel like there are few people who can offer meaningful help. Fortunately, life also offers significant positive growth and healing opportunities. These opportunities can create a pathway, orienting us toward the direction we want to go. That's when we begin to better position ourselves to experience the outcomes in life we hope to achieve. I offer a holistic approach focused on increasing well-being. This encompasses the mind, body, spirit, emotions, environment, and relationships. I serve as a collaborative partner to help you feel safe as you work to achieve your goals. I help identify root-cause issues in order to create a solid strategy and plan for significant growth and healing. My wife of 27 years and I have 4 young adult children and 2 dogs. I have over 20 years experience developing people and teams with the Army, FedEx and Amazon. As an empty-nester I felt called to the helping professions. I'm excited to spend the rest of my career giving back to the people of my community by providing compassionate mental health care services.