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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mccormick, SC
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Mccormick, SC | (213) 260 4724
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My practice orientation with clients integrates the power of our mind-body-spirit connection toward healing wounded areas within ourselves. I specifically help individuals that have been victims of narcissistic abuse in their early childhood relationships or current adult relationships heal this very real trauma to their minds and bodies. Focus is toward strengthening adaptive, rational and positive thoughts and behaviors instead of living from fear and trauma. Narcissism undermines growth, strength, health and productive ways of living. Meditation, creative visualization/affirmation skills, breathing exercises, role-playing, voice-dialogue and gestalt methods are employed for moving stagnant energy in our bodies. . I have found incorporating hypnosis and visualization very useful in a variety of problems including weight loss, quitting smoking and anxiety related issues. If you can create and see something in your mind, you can learn to manifest possibilities in the physical world. I am currently treating adult clients that need guidance with their aging parents regarding home transitions, mental health issues including dementia, and focusing on self care while taking care of aging parents. This takes a delicate balance and managing emotions that can erupt in the family system dynamic.
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