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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sumter, SC

location-map Sumter, SC | (803) 471 5057

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If you're facing life changes, struggling with relationships, personal habits, or stress and anxiety; finding the right fit in a therapist is going to make all the difference. I am an experienced telehealth therapist who focuses on your personal strengths and helps you find your own way through your problems. I offer support, compassion, and often times a good sense of humor. We can work together towards your goals. My experience is in client centered approaches that empower you to tap in to your strengths and become mindful of your emotions and reactions. Helping you develop means of separating anxiety from strategy is key in moving forward through challenges. Developing a strong inner dialogue to focus thoughts and plan actions are central to the help I can deliver. I am always proud of any person who takes a step toward making things better for themselves and the ones they love. I invite you to meet with me and see if we make a good team for moving you on to the path you wish to travel.

location-map Sumter, SC | (803) 753 1126

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When you face challenges in your life, it is helpful to have a guide to find your way. I would like to be your guide as you reconnect to yourself and others. I am dedicated to supporting you as you take steps to improve your life. You are important to me. Life can be hard when we face challenges alone. I want to help you find your way through loss, betrayal, confusion or discouragement. My experience and my training are here to serve you. Together we can find a way for you to feel better, live better, and love better. I am a licensed clinical social worker and I provide therapy for adults, couples, and other family members. I value relationships and the relationship I can have with you. I hope you will reach out.

location-map Sumter, SC | (803) 805 2680

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Help can come in many forms, but professional help can form the lasting results needed to thrive. I offer individual, family, and couples counseling and I’m committed to assisting each client move towards their goals by providing a safe space to explore, identify and challenge their needs, thoughts, behaviors, and goals. We all have different inner gifts, thought processes, and needs that motivate us to reach our goals, behave and think in certain ways. But there can be moments or seasons in life that are difficult and challenging in ways that we cannot understand or move past on our own. Allow me to help. I enjoy working with all demographics of people, particularly military families, veterans, women, teens and couples. I can help with self-esteem challenges, life stages, career changes/exploration, depression, grief and relationship alignments to name just a few. I am a mother of 3, a wife, and a 20yr active army veteran. I enjoy helping people in many capacities from mental health, life coaching, real estate consulting, and community service. So, if you are ready to embark on this journey, allow me to accompany you as a sounding board and guide. I’ll bring my compass and I can't wait to meet you.