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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bartlett, TN

location-map Bartlett, TN | (901) 350 2034

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Are you feeling stuck, as if life has more to offer but you aren't sure how to get there? When Challenges and Stressors come into our lives it can become more than we can handle. During these times we may feel sad, shame, anxious, defeated, or powerless. I believe every crisis is an opportunity for growth. It is through these tough times and perseverance that lasting change can occur in our lives. Therapy can assist you through difficult times, and help you overcome every day obstacles. Through a collaborative person centered approach it is my hope you will learn to access and engage your inner strengths to combat life challenges. I meet each client where they are presently and together we'll decide what goals and treatment will best serve you. I have over 10 years of extensive experience working with individuals, couples, and families that have experienced trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, life transitions and sexual abuse. I utilize various evidence- based treatment modalities. My goal is to help empower you to overcome challenges and build healthier coping skills. Feeling safe, being seen and having a voice that is heard is powerful and necessary part of healing. I want to work alongside you to address the problems that are important to You with the assumption that you have the solution within you.

location-map Bartlett, TN | (901) 446 3154

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You were at the office, minding your business, when a coworker made a harmless joke at your expense. But instead of shrugging it off as you usually would, you exploded. Now you’re sitting alone, embarrassed, and unsure when you lost control of your emotions. And it’s not just irritability and impatience. Everything has been more difficult recently. You can’t concentrate or sleep; your energy is always sapped, and even the simplest tasks feel impossible. You struggle through each day, knowing the following one will be just as hard. You’ve started to wonder what it’s all for and thinking about giving up entirely. Don’t give up! With over 15 years in practice, I can help you experience the change you’ve been longing for. You'll learn and practice proven coping strategies in a safe, compassionate, and supportive space. Together, we’ll lift you from depression, discard your failure mindset, and give you energy and motivation to enjoy and fully participate in life. You deserve to be seen, heard and understood. Experience improved health, less anxiety, better sleep, and the ability to enjoy all life has to offer. Stop letting life pass you by as a passive observer and step back into the driver’s seat. Call me now for your free 15-minute consultation, and together let’s get started on this healing journey today!